A player makes the impossible to deliver an order in Death Stranding - never think about doing it

A player makes the impossible to deliver an order in Death Stranding - never think about doing it

Game Death Stranding is about the idea of ​​delivery, but not the image that you think it is so there will be a lot of obstacles that will make your way thorny and difficult and I think that everyone who tried the game so far knows what I mean the hardship and fatigue facing Sam hero of the game every time he Connected.

One of the disasters that can face any player is to carry a large number of funds is a basic task as it will have to maintain a poisonous balance ruggedly and any wrong movement may cause the fall and damage of these funds and there are many who place great importance in maintaining Safety and delivery of boxes at all costs, for example, our friend Kaos Dub, who used the way of life or death to deliver an order.

As you can see in the video Kaos Dub used one of the stairs for the crossing and everyone knows that the stairs are safe to cross from above on foot, but not using the tricycle as KaosDub did in one of his tasks.

[Video] Saving the load in Death Stranding from r/PS4

If I want to call this a task, I will call it I or Not, because KaosDub carries a lot of boxes and if he falls into the river he will lose everything he was carrying because the river pulls all these boxes to a very far place and may make it go back several hours to Back to complete the task, but fortunately and with some skills KaosDub was able to cross the ladder using his bicycle and access to safety, but I advise you not to think of making what Kaos Dub never made.

There are a lot of players trying to use their skills to challenge the harsh nature that Sam faces in the game and some of them work and many of them do not and lose a lot of valuables that will cost you a lot of time to return them as happened with our friend atPeteDodd, which because of a simple mistake and big greed lost A lot as you can see in the video below.

Death Stranding is now available on PlayStation 4

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