Call Of Duty Mobile excels exclusively on PUBG Mobile and Fortnite

Call Of Duty Mobile excels exclusively on PUBG Mobile and Fortnite

For the first time, both the game Fortnite and the game Bbaji lose a battle in the classification, achievements and the number of times the number of downloads and mass turnout against the game Call Of Duty Mobile and by a large margin also will not be repeated by any other mobile game.

According to the sensor tower website, which is specialized in tracking the statistics and performance of smartphone games, Call Of Duty Mobile in the month of its launch has achieved 148 million downloads by players on smartphone platforms of all kinds, becoming the second most downloaded game in the world. Release or release month.

Here are comparisons of other games of the same genre, BBJI, Fortnite and finally the above game in terms of downloads as follows:

  • Fortnite game in the month of its launch on smartphone platforms nearly 34 million downloads.
  • In the month of its launch on the smartphone platforms, PPPI Mobile received nearly 60.7 million downloads.
  • The game of Call of Duty Mobile reaped in the month of its launch on smartphone platforms nearly 148 million downloads.

It is worth mentioning that the game achieved in the first day of the launch last October, about 2 million downloads and the next day immediately increased to 20 million downloads, in less than a day, the players downloaded the game 18 million times ..!

Note that the game is currently available for free download on the platform IOS and Android platform, for those who tried the game tell us what you think about them below in the comments section.

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