Xbox One sales did not reach half of the PlayStation 4 sales!

Xbox One sales did not reach half of the PlayStation 4 sales!

Believe it or not, Xbox One sales have not yet reached half the sales of the PlayStation 4, and this of course according to the latest statistics and figures for both devices, of course, most of you know that sales of the last device exceeded 110 million units sold since the launch and even these the moment.

According to the latest statistics, the Xbox One sales have reached almost 43 million units sold since its launch in 2013 and so far, when compared to the sales of the PlayStation 4, we note that it did not reach half of its sales even 55 million.

Surprisingly, the statistics show that the amount of increase in sales of Xbox and each month is equal to about 100 to 200 thousand units and in some months even less, while sales of the PlayStation 4 every month exceeds 250 thousand units sold worldwide.

The biggest jump in Xbox sales, although between November (11) of 2018 and January (1) of 2019, then sales of the device in the said period jumped from 40 million units sold to almost 41.5 million units sold, to cross this period It is the biggest leap for the device in sales since its launch in 2013.

The significance of these statistics and comparison is not to prove the preference of one device over another, but to educate players about their favorite devices, what do you think is the reason why sales of PlayStation 4 outperform the sales of Xbox One, join us below in the comments section.

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