Patent hints for a new 5G PSP

Patent hints for a new 5G PSP

When it comes to new details about the PlayStation, the most important one will be about the new PlayStation 5 gaming device coming to us late next year. However, it seems that it is not the only gaming project that Sony is working on. A new leak has emerged revealing that Sony Interactive Entertainment has patented a new PSP device.

The leak was first seen on the Dutch website LetsGoDigital, known for tracking Sony's recent activities. The document shows a document submitted to the Brazilian patent office INPI showing a thick Gameboy-style gaming device with a label indent on the cover.

It was mentioned that the product was designed by Eugene Morisawa, for those who are not aware of the truth of this person, he is a senior technical director at Sony Interactive Entertainment and plays a key role in all PlayStation products. This may indicate that the device is dedicated as a PlayStation product, and it may be a PSP 5G commons.

Patent hints for a new 5G PSP

Also in a previous patent, the same site revealed Sony's registration of a patent for cartridge cards and with the linking of this patent with the new patent on the PSP 5G device. Portable.

While PS Vita can be considered a commercial failure, many expected Sony to abandon mobile gaming consoles. However, they may take a different route similar to that of the Nintendo Switch.

In 2018, PlayStation President John Kodera said:
In my opinion, instead of separating mobile gaming devices from ordinary devices, it is necessary to continue to think of [mobile gaming] as a way to deliver more gaming experiences and explore what our customers want from mobile devices. We want to think about many options.
So far there is nothing proven, and the patent may not apply, so all we have to wait for is other news to confirm or deny this news.

What do you think of the idea of ​​Sony return to the market for mobile gaming devices? Should the company return, will it be a great success and offer new and distinctive features or will it end up unlike what Sony wants?

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