Epic is suing another leaker for leaking Fortnite Chapter 2

Epic is suing another leaker for leaking Fortnite Chapter 2

Epic's equipment for the second season of its famous Fortnite game was great and we saw the game cut off from the world and swallowed by a black hole. But instead of all of us surprised by the huge changes that have taken place in the game, we learned about them from the leaks that spoiled the subject. Epic Games, like many other companies, takes the issue of leaks seriously and recently we learned that the company has sued another gaming laboratory (tester) to leak the secrets of the game online.

Last month, the company sued Ronald Skies, who leaked the design of the new map and broke the non-disclosure agreement between him and the company known as NDA. Now Lucas Johnston, who works as a laboratory at Montreal’s Keywords Studios, has been brought to justice.

According to court documents, Johnston (the defendant) said he took a screenshot and emailed it to himself and did not know "how it ended up online". The documents also say that he was discovered during an internal investigation by Keywords Studios and discovered that he was a friend with the first publisher of the leak on the official Fortnite forum. He was fired on September 13, a day after the screenshot was published.

Epic claims that Johnston “deprived the company of the element of surprise and violated the NDA.” Johnston may have to pay indefinite compensation so far, but it may exceed $ 58,000.

What do you think about this, do you agree with the decisions of IPIC to fight the issue of leaks? Share your comments with the comments below!

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