Leaking patented photos of what is believed to be a PlayStation 5..!

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A Sony patent revealed images of what could be the control hand of the PlayStation 5, which was posted on the Website of the Japanese Patent Office today, to the PlayStation manufacturer and matcha of a description of the prototype panel of the PlayStation 5's control hands.

According to the source, the patent highlights the microphone, but comparison images posted online show that there are many design changes between the current Camera controller and DualShock 4.

Leaking patented photos of what is believed to be a PlayStation 5..!

The control hand that appears in the patent features a larger analog stick, slightly smaller arrows and a USB port and no lighting tape which makes us think that it is just a modified version of DualShock 4, especially since DualShock 5, as announced, will use the USB Type C portal, which is not found in the leaked images. , Besides, there's a big match with the PlayStation 4 controller as you can see in the 3D graphic quoted from the patent images below.

Leaking patented photos of what is believed to be a PlayStation 5..!

One of the key improvements added to the console for the PlayStation 5 is the "adaptive triggers," which Sony says can provide different levels of resistance to make the game's mechanics like the launch of the bow and arrow – the tension increases as the arrow pulls back – to feel more realistic.

Leaking patented photos of what is believed to be a PlayStation 5..!

The USB charging inlet will be converted to type C, thereby significantly increasing charging speed, plus there are highly programmable sound players on the right and left hand of the controller.

In addition to the improved headset on the console, the controller allows through the so-called Haptics Feed concussion that makes the player feel the amazing effects, in a series of short presentations published by Wired magazine in October, a character ran on a platform with a number of surfaces Different, where the controller will be able to make the controlling person get a feeling similar to what the character felt within the experience, where the experience was described as:
I felt the slow-motion sand that made the control response high vibration on the thumbs to feel as if my character was slipping. Also jumping into the pool, I felt water-resistant, while on a wooden bridge, feeling shaken.
The presence of haptics Feed concussion and the large battery will make the new PlayStation 5 controller heavier than DualShock 4.

What do you think of what was posted about sony's next PlayStation 5 controllers? What are your expectations for the amazing effects of the so-called Haptics? Will it give a greater sense of realism?

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