Rest assured the future of home appliances is still strong and there is no fear of Google Stadia!

Rest assured the future of home appliances is still strong and there is no fear of Google Stadia!

Today Google started the launch of the first phase of its cloud platform Google Stadia which reached some countries in America, Canada and some regions in Europe and many sites critics managed to experience the service at the best copies and it seems that the result is not as we expected, especially as it comes from the internet giant.

The service reviews arrived from some sites that expressed reservations about the service that seemed to be not ready to arrive at this time and here we will put the opinions of some of these critics exactly as they came from them.

  • IGN: If you have a bad Internet provider or have a fair use policy, you should never consider signing up for Google Stadia.
  • The Verge: There is no convincing reason to encourage everyone to subscribe to Google Stadia at the moment.
  • Financial Post: If you look at Google Stadia as offering you the same graphics quality and smooth control you have in your games on home appliances and pc, you think you will be disappointed in this regard.
  • Polygon: The biggest problem so far is that the Stadia launch version platform has not provided the smoothness and simplicity when playing and trying games.
  • PC World: The Stadia platform has provided us with a peek at the future of other companies that may be more professional in this field.
  • Gamespot: A very small experience very early.
  • VentureBeat: The biggest problem you may face as players is that you and I will not have the same experience and fun during our experience of the same games.
  • GamesRadar: If conditions are in place and you have a good internet connection, the Stadia platform for you will be a window into the future of cloud gaming and will provide a magical experience.
  • Ars Technica: Google Stadia service is very limited, untrustworthy and its benefits are very few.
  • Yahoo Finance: For now, I'm not going to use the platform and wait until 2020 when all its services are fully available.
  • Screenrant: Stadia service works well if conditions are fully prepared for it, but that doesn't mean you're forced to use it from the first day of its launch.
  • CNET: The future of cloud gaming is not yet ripe.

These are the criticisms of some sites that we're able to try the initial version of the service that became available from today in some countries around the world and as we saw in the comments of critics in the service is still far from the level provided to us by home games devices and personal computers and most of them if not They all still believe that the future of this type of service is not yet ripe and there is still a long time to provide such services.

This also puts us on a point i want to point out before where a lot criticized Sony for putting cloud gaming services aside while focusing on supporting its own platform and focusing primarily on PlayStation 5 while other companies try to professionalize in the field of cloud play and after seeing this now I think now that the picture has become clear that Sony is on the right track and that home appliance still has a long way to go.

Now it is your turn to give us your opinions about the criticisms of these sites, especially since everyone knows that the United States provides the best internet services to its customers and yet still google cloud service suffers from a lot of problems related to communication what if you put the service in the Middle East how The results will be?


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