Leaks reveal the possibility of additional storage for the PlayStation 5

Leaks reveal the possibility of additional storage for the PlayStation 5

Day after day, details are revealed about Sony's upcoming PlayStation 5 device and the newly released information regarding the device's storage capacity, which is expected to bring in an internal storage capacity of up to 1TB.

But that's not all the story, as a new patent points to sony's innovation of a device to record data for various media by delivering it into the gaming device. This device will be able to store and read all the data on the gaming device.

Leaks reveal the possibility of additional storage for the PlayStation 5

In fact, the new patented storage device seems to be intended to be a kind of additional storage for the PlayStation 5, even if the PlayStation 5 comes with an internal storage capacity of 1 Tera or even 2 TB, this space will soon be implemented in front of the huge and anticipated games that will Next year, for example, PlayStation 5 game titles will come on Blu Ray 100GB discs, while the PlayStation 5 operating system will occupy part of this storage space inside. It seems therefore prudent for Sony to want to charge additional storage as an optional option that a player can buy if he wants more storage to add to the PlayStation 5, which is expected to be released for the market with the holidays late next year.

With companies moving to offer very large games and requiring large storage space, what do you think of sony's solution, which is an additional storage device that may be offered as an option for players to increase the storage capacity of the PlayStation 5?

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