Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - How to Kill Oggdo Bogdo Easily

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order - How to Kill Oggdo Bogdo Easily

A few days ago, I began my journey to the famous Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which seems so humiliating. If you are one of its players, you know that the game depends heavily on avoidance and attack when your enemy is preparing for his next attack, so if you are not good at the time, you will suffer a lot.

The monster called Oggdo Bogdo is a huge alien black toad that will visit the first planet you can explore for Star Wars: Jedi Order, you might say that its name is strange and funny, but according to one of the designers of the respawn team developed for the game, the name of the monster Oggdo Bogdo because the developers liked the words both words. Well, let's go back to our theme, when you want to go back to your spaceship you'll see like a cave you can enter or you'll see from the big gaps at the top of the cave at the end of the map, surely you can ignore it completely, but if you can't stop exploring or if you accidentally fall into the Cave of Oggdo Bogdo and decide to You kill him, you'll see that he's very upset and his blows are too strong and sometimes difficult to avoid. I'm not going to lie to you, I died about three times while fighting him, but despite my ridiculous anger at my death, I decided to kill him, and I succeeded in the end - and I'm not the only one who died that much!

Luckily, there's a way you can kill him in an easy way that I discovered after I've been with him. You can go to one of the big gaps at the top of the cave and you will see it below, all you have to do is jump and press the button that will appear on the screen until you hit it from the top, this move will do great harm to all enemies in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order as for Oggdo Bongo, this will affect Move it heavily and give you a great advantage by fighting. It's also easy not to get a hit if you move suddenly or don't fall directly on it, because if you don't do it right, you're going to fall with him in his full health, then you have to fight him as I did.

In order to achieve this in the best possible way, skip the first gap and turn for the second (the two are very close to each other), then look unfortunately without falling down and if you see it down jump and wait for the button signal to appear as you fall (box for PlayStation players). This blow with your light will make your fight much easier because it will eliminate almost half of its health points.

From there all you have to do is avoid his blows and then hit him three times and then roll every time he does a quick and powerful hit on you when he does you can use your force to slow down and get a better position. But be careful because his strikes cause big damage points, so don't get too drunk.

Faced by Oggdo Bogdo in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order? Share comments with us.

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