PlayStation 5: Launch date, features and specifications, news and leaks.


Sony is preparing for the full unveiling of the 9th generation PlayStation 5 device for home gaming devices and the fifth in the Family Playstation, which started from the 1990s.

During the process of unveiling the new generation that will be placed on the shelves of our private rooms for the next 6 to 7 years.

Sony began to give us the following information that was starting early last year when Mark Cerny, the engineer overseeing the development of the device, came out to talk about some of the details that have occupied the world for a long time.

Mark talked about the basics that Sony will put in priority in The PlayStation 5, such as the speed of performance that will depend on the fast SSD discs besides the detection of 3D sound technology and finally support light tracking technology.

But Mark did not address the most critical element, which is the price of the device.

Which he described as being balanced between the capabilities offered by the device and the possibility of the consumer.

Sony remained silent until it returned again to reveal the official name of the device and the form of the logo to be adopted, which will be similar to the Logo PlayStation 4 with the change of number only PS5 as a short name and Playstation 5 full name.

Then Sony registered the brand using this name in most countries of the world in preparation for the process of full detection and start sales centers receive pre-order from consumers as it opened the official website of the device.

Then a picture appeared online from one of the sources claimed to be the developer's version of the Device PlayStation 5, and this image was widely circulated until one of the developers came out to confirm that this is already a copy of the developers and they have a copy of it in their studio.

In this report, we will put before you everything we know about the upcoming Sony Station 5 device from precise details to leaks and rumors that have emerged about the tool.

Launch date:

Although Sony has not yet set a specific time for the launch of the PlayStation 5 on the market, it confirmed that the device will be officially available in the holiday season in 2020.

This means that it will be released between October (10) and December (12) this year; in other words, we may only be separated from the launch of the PlayStation 5 for 7 months or a little more.

Some sources talked that Sony will launch the device on November 20th to allow the pre-order phase that will take place during Christmas. Thus pay the sales of the device significantly, and this may be the logic but no official confirmation yet about the date mentioned.

Microsoft also intends to launch its next Xbox Series X device at the same time, but we hope that the coronavirus disaster will not have an impact on the launch date of these platforms and cause it to be postponed as some experts expect.

Features and features:

Sony recently revealed the full specifications of the PlayStation 5 through a conference led by Mark Cerny, the engineer overseeing the development of the device, where the specifications will be as follows:

  • AMD 8-core octa-core processor at 3.5 Gbhirt.
  • GPU graphics card based on RDNA 2 at 10.28 teraflop
  • 3D sound.
  • Support clarity up to 8K.
  • 825G SSD hard drive.
  • Support games PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR.

Sony revealed these specifications that came in numbers than the specifications of Microsoft Xbox Series X, especially about the graphics card that will come bit 10.28 Teraflop compared to those in the Xbox Series X. Which will come with a power of 12 Teraflops as well as 56 CU processing units at 1.86 GHz while the PlayStation 5 with 36 CU processing units at 2.23 GHz speed almost double the rate of the graphics in the Xbox?

Also, the most crucial point used by Sony so far for marketing for the device is the speed of the hard drive, which will be the modified quality of SSD discs.

Mark Cerny has tested the speed of the new disc through demo game Spider-Man where the rate of data transfer will reach 19 times more than the standard SSD disk. Also talked about it intensively during the last conference, and this was clear from the demo where the download screens did not appear for more than half a second while the camera movement that roamed In the world of the game at full speed without stopping.

Also, the SSD disk will be able to reduce the size of the download files games as well as give the user the possibility to break up the game files. For example, the player will be able to delete part of the game, such as the story phase, and keep the period of the online.

Still, this property must be supported in the beginning by the developer as well as in the process of installing games on the PlayStation store.

The user interface of the device will also see evident changes according to Mark's remarks to Wired website, where the player will be able to see the activities and achievements easier than before as the process of playing games will be faster and smoother than before.

About rumors, several sources have said that the UI user interface will not change much from those of the PlayStation 4. Still, the player will feel better and more straightforward as gaming servers provide a range of joinable activities in real-time. In contrast, individual phase games offer information such as the tasks you can do and the rewards you may receive to complete them – all of these options will be visible in the user interface. As a player, all you have to do is jump straight to what you want.

Also, the sound system in the device will provide a new leap and thanks to the original sound engine built into the device, which will provide 3D technology without the need to use other accessories and this will contribute to giving the player a chance to fully integrate into the atmosphere of the play.

Finally, cloud services will also have a significant role in the Device PlayStation 5, according to Cerny's remarks. We may see its depth to the level of contributing to the processing of graphics and giving better performance for games, also confirmed Sony that the service PlayStation Now cloud will be more integrated with the new device. Still, so far, the image has not been entirely sacrificed, while the technology of remote play will see a revolutionary leap as described by the company.

Shape and design:

The curiosity that almost kills a lot of the public is the shape of the Device PlayStation 5 after Microsoft surprised everyone by revealing the way of the Xbox Series X.

Which looked like a PC box, and the reason besides breaking the routine that appeared previous home devices also provide a comprehensive ventilation system that maintains the temperature of the internal mechanism. However, after leaked version developers, it seems that Sony is still sticking to the usual format, although this version does not represent the final version to be released in the markets at the end of the year.

The developer's version seemed a bit strange, especially by the proportion of ventilation outlets that spread throughout the device, which took the v-shaped shape from the top with many keys that indicate some of the developers' functions, as you see in the picture above.

All the developer's copy of the previous PlayStation devices did not come approach even to the final form of the device to be issued to the public. Hence, we expect that the same will happen with the PlayStation 5, but the most important question will be the usual format as with the rest of the home devices that come flat form or will Sony proceed on the approach of Microsoft to adopt the vertical way?!

About the ventilation system, some sources have said that Sony has spent more money to equip the PlayStation 5 with advanced cooling systems to maintain the temperature of its bowels around the required rate.

If this information is correct, it means that the power of the device will not be far from the power of the Xbox Series X, especially the graphics card, which is believed to be between 9.2 and 10 teraflops despite the existence of some leaks that talk about reaching 13 teraflops.


As part of the progressive unveiling of the PlayStation 5, Sony recently unveiled the dual sense console with a modern design that is significantly different from the DualShock 4 with a lot of functionality that will make the unit worthy of this new name.

Here in this report, we will put before you 6 changes we will see its presence in the new DualSense controller and, more importantly.

Will make the experience of playing as described sony different so that the player enters the atmosphere of play with all his senses and hence came the new name.

Modern shape and lighter weight.
As we were getting through the leaks, we expected the PlayStation 5 console format to be very similar to the PlayStation 4 controller, while the focus will be only on functionality. Still, today Sony surprised us that we will not only get new jobs but also a fresh and modern format.

Sony told us that it had worked with a lot of designers over the past years to reach the final shape of Dualshock, which has finally settled on this form that we see, and if we want to talk about the differences, they are clear. The beginning with the handle of the right and the left unit that disappeared the corner and became more round than before and according to the information we got from Sony has been abandoned side curves to make the group more comfortable for the user that has been tested more than once.

Also, to introduce the guest of The Buttons R2/L2, which is better based on adaptive triggers, some designers who collaborated with the engineering department of the company to reach the best shape that gives the player the best feeling of interaction with the buttons during the game.

Also, to break the routine, Sony relied on the use of two colors in the design DualSense. So far, the plan has been revealed to combine the black color with white, but we expect this design to open the way for many new colors and attractive and also the mother that the weight has become much lighter than before.

Interactive properties.

The PlayStation 5 DualSense controller, as described by Sony, will be complementary to tempest Engine 3D audio that will be supported by the PlayStation 5 device so that it gives the player full interaction and immerses his senses in the atmosphere of the play.

with Haptic Feedback that will make the player feel the power of sport through interactive vibration with the events of the game. In contrast, Adaptive Triggers in the buttons L2 / R2 will make the player feel as strongly his actions as when he pulls the bow or presses the trigger to fire.

Built-in headset and microphone.

Yes, you will finally get rid of the headset you use to communicate with your friends as dualSense now has an integrated headset and microphone so that you can communicate with your friends and talk to them without having to use an external microphone.

Also, there will be a new button you can notice under the main hand button where you can mute the microphone as needed, but Sony advises in case you want to talk for a long time using the headset to make the most of the controller battery.

The new Create button.

Share button no longer holds this name, although it remains the same, now it has the name Create.
And this means that you will get more new functions under this button, as announced, the user will be able to access a lot of new features and make professional content to share with his audience. More details will be revealed shortly.

Innovative new lighting.

One of the disadvantages of the first PlayStation 4 controller is that the lights were far away, and the user can see it only if it flips the unit. In the improved version, it was moved to the top of the front of the touchpad, but now in DualSense, it has become much closer to the user and looks more elegant.

As seen in the picture, the lights were placed on both sides of the touchpad.

Which also got a slight change in shape to give the lighting a better and hidden look so that it does not disturb the user during the gameplay.

The battery.

Sony will maintain the style used in the controllers of previous Devices And rely on the built-in battery. Still, according to the information we have obtained, the new functions that will be present in the unit have been taken into account and thus extend the battery life as much as possible.

The battery will be rechargeable faster through the USB-C connection while reducing power drain through various unit functions.

Price and when to detect the device:
We come here to the most sensitive points for the expected audience so far Sony uses the gradual method in detecting the Device PlayStation 5 and the next stage may be the last.

During which the shape of the device and some new innovative features and the launch date and also the price through which the pre-order will be opened.

The journey of unveiling the PlayStation 5 may be continuing in April or maybe until June. Still, the repercussions of the Coronavirus, which is beginning to threaten the world, may make it a bit difficult, especially since all the international events that were scheduled to take place during the coming period have been canceled and postponed to another date. And this may lead Sony to continue the method of video conferences to complete the detection of the device.

About the luxury price that came officially from within Sony did not be put until early this year, the final cost of the device was set. Sony is still waiting for more data through which the price will be placed, and perhaps the intention is to know the price of the Xbox Series X, which has not yet been revealed its price as well.

Bloomberg revealed in a recent report that the development price of the Device PlayStation 5 is $450, which means that if it is put on the market, the price is expected to not be less than $500.

Especially since this price does not include marketing campaigns and shipments that may raise the amount to 470 dollars.

Ps5 manufacturing price is $450

Sony is experiencing a shortage of DRAM and NAND Flash memory.
But Sony is usually offering the first batch of PlayStation devices with losses of up to $100.

Which is what happened with the PlayStation 3 and The PlayStation 4 as well as being compensated through other services such as the sale of games and subscriptions of other services such as Plus and PlayStation Now.

Sony's official comment about the price of the device was the company's attempt to make the price of the device balanced between the capabilities of the user and the techniques used in manufacturing about the company trying to hold the stick from the middle.

Still, the factor of competition remains the primary influence that will make Sony put the appropriate price according to the opinion of some specialists, and perhaps Sony will wait until Microsoft reveals these details in the exhibition E3 2020, which will be in June (6) next.

Launch games and beyond:

There are two types of games that are released on Sony platforms and are first-party games that are developed from PlayStation studios and third-party games that are designed and published by third companies.

During the first phase and until the moment of writing this report, no new exclusive was announced coming to the PlayStation 5 device from Sony studios. Although all of them are working on new titles dedicated to the device such as Horizon Zero Dawn 2 and a new part of the game God of War, we expect to be released long after the launch of the PlayStation 5, and this is what Sony hinted at him.

But there is a new plan that Sony will follow during the first phase of the launch of the device in the markets and is the relaunch of the end of the game of the current generation on it like the game Last of Us 2, which is developed for the PlayStation 4 basically. Still, there will be a version of the PlayStation 5 in better quality and maybe upgraded once it is launched on the new device through technology similar to the technology smart Delivery announced in the Xbox Series.

There is also the ghost of the Tsushima game, which is supposed to be released this summer for the PlayStation 4, but we believe that the game will be Cross-Gen and will also be available in a healthier version of the PlayStation 5 as with The Last of Us 2.

Third-party companies have announced several titles to be issued for PlayStation 5, including GodFall from Studio, Gearbox, Gothic from THQ, and Outriders, which will also be released on Xbox.

Ubisoft also confirmed that Watch Dogs: Legion, Rainbow Six Quarantine, Gods, and Monsters, as well as Rainbow Six Siege, will be equipped to work on new generation devices in addition to its unannounced titles, assassin's Creed and Far Cry.

Also the company EA confirmed that Battlefield 6 game will be launched on the devices of the next generation, where the company praised the power of these devices, which will be significantly utilized in the development of the new part of the game. In contrast, the company Petithada announced early last year that both Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 will be released on the devices of the new generation.

We expect that there will be more titles to be revealed in the future, including Call of Duty 2020, which has been confirmed to be under development and is due to be released in the fourth quarter of this year.

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