Best characters that we recommend you to recruit in Watch Dogs Legion


Watch Dogs Legion game was released a few days ago and we evaluated it as a fun game. Ubisoft presented us with an open world in the heart of the city of London. You meet him in London and join him in your team, and of course, each character has his own capabilities that benefit you in the implementation of specific tasks or benefit the team as a whole in general.

However, there is a team cap of 45 which is divided into Operatives, which are people you can play with, and Potential Recruits, who are people you designate as potential recruits. From this standpoint, there are certain personalities that we advise you to recruit before others and to make sure that there is one of them within your team. And that's what I'll talk about in an article in the Top 5 series today.

  • Construction workers

The construction worker has a strong physical structure that makes him useful in clashes, as he holds a heavy tool in his hand, with which he blows strong blows on his opponents. Recruiting someone unlocks the cargo drone feature that you can use to ride on it and fly in the London sky, which means easy access to closed areas and more. Also, there are certain sites such as construction sites that you will need to access with ease as a construction worker so that your identity will not be revealed. The Reporting for Duty mission in the game enables you to recruit a construction worker and of course you will find them on construction sites.

  • A lawyer or judge

In the event that your character is arrested, he may be placed in prison, and thus may not be available for some time, and if there is a certain task that needs to be performed for this character's capabilities, then you will be in trouble here. Your recruitment of a lawyer or judge will enable you to reduce your personal sentence in prison or even to abolish your prison sentence completely.

  • Paramedics or doctors

There are a lot of clashes within the game, and this will expose your character to harm and the presence of a doctor or paramedic in the team enables you to treat your injured character faster. Of course, in the event that there is a mission inside a hospital, then they can infiltrate the house of the enemies who are in that hospital without arousing suspicion and suspicion around them.

  • Police Officer and Albion Officer

With Albion taking control of London, some policemen began to hate the members of that organization and you can use this advantage to recruit a policeman for your class so that you can benefit from his fighting strength as well as their skills in weapon tactics as well as the ability to question people and smuggle some prisoners to work for DedSec because some of them may be elite personalities That is, she possesses unique skills.

Of course, since one of your enemies in the game is the Albion group, your possession of a character from this group makes you like someone who has a client implanted inside the enemy's back lines. Inside Albion's mission will enable you to recruit someone, but you must first help him so that he is convinced to join you. Albion officer suit enables you to infiltrate restricted locations easily, which are difficult for others to enter, and they also have additional combat advantages.

  • Other personalities with distinct abilities

The drone expert is one of the rare characters with the ability to summon drones that stun the enemy and can also be used in reconnaissance. This character has the ability to "betray" so that you can hack enemy drones and turn them against your opponents.

HITMAN characters have unique weapons, such as silencers, and stealthily kill enemies. And they have the skill of sequencing the restricted areas behind the enemy. This character also has high disguises that enable her to enter the police headquarters without anyone recognizing her.

The Beekeeper character has a unique ability to use bees against opponents to stun them as they advance towards you and cause damage to them. Even their uniforms are stun-proof.

An Anarchist has immunity to poison gas and can deliver smoke bombs.

So these were the most prominent characters that we recommend that you include in your team and that will help you to complete the tasks in the best way.

But we were hoping that there was the possibility of completing one task with two characters so that you switch between them whenever you want, for example, with a specific task, you might need a doctor to enter you surreptitiously into a hospital, and at the same time, you need another person who has the skills to use firearms in the event of clashes.

Because changing to a character will let the previous character continue his normal life, and this, in our opinion, contradicts the idea of ​​the game, which is working as a team.

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